European Stroke Research Foundation - esrf

Welcome to the ESRF

Because Time is Brain!

News – Aktuelles:

Recent proposals have been accepted and are granted 2023-2025

  • Nose to Brain delivery of Bryologs: a potential Fast Acting Stroke Treatment: NBB:FAST

  • INdividualizing STroke – posture Assessments in the Therapeutic Environment during RehAbilitation IN STATERA

  • Prevention of ischemic strokes – role of NAD(P)H oxidase 4 and hydrogen peroxide in the stabilization of carotid plaques

  • Mobile stroke unit: prehospital stroke treatment and triage in underserved rural settings

  • Poststroke lipid droplet accumulation in residing microglia

  • Daily habits Mobil App for Primary Stroke MAPS

  • Modifying endogeneous neural stem cell function for improving brain repair in stroke

Please download the „Research Application Form“ here:
Research Programme Application Form – European Stroke Research Foundation ESRF

Projects are eligible for ESRF funding
– if they cover a major issue of current stroke research
– originate and are preferentially written by a junior scientist/s working in an academic institution of brilliant stroke research
– cover a range  of up to three years
– and a full amount of up to 60 T€
-if interactions with other funding  organizations (e.g. EU or national) are considered, please specify the part for which funding is requested

The esrf is an independently incorporated registered non-profit charity in Kanton Basel-Stadt, Switzerland (CHE-445.245.675)

The “European Stroke Research Foundation” (esrf) is an independently incorporated registered non-profit charity in Kanton Basel-Stadt, Switzerland (CHE-445.245.675)

The esrf is an independently incorporated registered non-profit charity in Kanton Basel-Stadt, Switzerland (CHE-445.245.675)

Stroke is the most common cardiovascular disorder after heart disease, killing an estimated 5.7 million people annually worldwide. The prevalence of stroke in Europe has been estimated to be 9.6 million. Furthermore, stroke is a major public health issue among the leading causes of immobility and longterm disability in developed countries. During the last quarter century the management of acute stroke patients and prevention of cerebrovascular disorders has become the most challenging task for medical interdisciplinary research. This included interactive multi-professional management from emergency rescue and monitored intensive care through a primary care team as well as extensive public information about qualifying signs and symptoms of acute stroke victims coined in the phrase Time is Brain and Stroke is an Emergency in newspapers, television and the new media. Although mortality has decreased considerably since the 1990s, and early prevention is successful after transient ischaemic attacks (TIA) through better medical treatment in TIA Clinics or Comprehensive Stroke Centers, many patients still suffer from permanent dependency. Exciting new pathways have now been opened to improve the chance for full recovery and independence after brain network re-organisation that became available by very recent scientific knowledge about mechanisms active during rehabilitation. Not only for patients with sensori-motor but also more sophisticated cognitive deficits or and behaviour problems can be treated. In addition, the risk of dementia may be reduced.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the ESC and based on the merits of so many successful meetings in the past we decided to create the „European Stroke Research Foundation- esrf“ as a registered, public controlled charity to support the European Stroke Conference, international workshops and meetings as well as individual and institutional activities and programmes of highly innovative stroke related basic science and challenging clinical topics ready to stimulate exciting new pathways and strategies for research, including those making use of in the Industry 4 Revolution world of internet and social media supported world wide innovative communication.

Researchers are invited to apply for funding for individual research projects!

Our goal is to promote research for better prevention and treatment and to improve the chance for full recovery and independence after stroke!

The “European Stroke Research Foundation” (esrf) is an independently incorporated registered non-profit charity in Kanton Basel-Stadt, Switzerland (CHE-445.245.675) created
(a) to promote basic and clinical sciences for the improvement of current knowledge and management about stroke and cerebrovascular diseases in a broad range of various aspects
(eg pathophysiology, biology, diagnosis, acute treatment and prevention, rehabilitation and other stroke related issues),
(b) to facilitate institutional and individual communication of scientific contributions in conferences, workshops and other meetings and
(c) to present and award extraordinary new contributions to stroke related topics, as well as world of internet and social media supported world wide innovative communication for the benefit of healthy people in a global ageing population for the prevention of stroke attacks and therapeutic achievements during re-organisation and recovery in the complex brain networks after cerebrovascular lesions
(d) to improve cognitive deficits after stroke and prevent secondary deterioration of so called higher brain functions and vascular dementia

Webmaster Marion R. Hennerici: Copyright Bildquellenangabe